UF Shared Mailbox

How to Open a Shared Mailbox

Outlook Desktop Client (Windows)

Outlook 2016

    1. Click the File tab
    2. Click Account Settings, and then click Account Settings
    3. On the E-mail tab, in the list, click the Exchange account type, then click Change
    4. Click More Settings
    5. On the Advanced tab, under Open these additional mailboxes, click Add, and then enter the mailbox email address
    6. Click Okay and Finish on all open windows to save changes.

UF Exchange Website

  1. Go to the UF Outlook Web Access site: https://www.mail.ufl.edu/
  2. Select GatorMail “Log in to GatorMail” and login with your UF GatorLink account
  3. Click on your name in the top-right of window and select “Open another mailbox…”
  4. Enter in the email address or display name of the shared mailbox and click “Open”
  5. The shared mailbox will open in a new tab in your web browser

How to Send As a Shared Mailbox

Outlook Desktop Client (Windows)

This is if you have Outlook opened to your primary work mailbox and have a shared mailbox open as an additional mailbox.

  1. Click on New Email or Reply/Forward an existing message
  2. Go to the Options tab at the top of the window
  3. In the Show Fields section, click on the “From” option to add the From field to the email
  4. Click on the From option in the email, aboveĀ To, to get a drop-down menu
  5. Click on “Other E-mail Address…
  6. Enter in the email address of the shared mailbox in the From field or click From to search the Address Book for the address
  7. Click “OK” to save and then verify the From address is now showing as the shared mailbox email address